Reaction to Fish Oil Tablets
Fish Allergies
The Food and Drug Administration suggests that those with fish allergies avoid fish oil tablets altogether; swelling, hives, difficulty breathing and stomach upset can all be a result of an allergic reaction, as can anaphylactic shock, a dangerous allergic reaction triggered at times by seafood.
Gelatin Allergies
Rare allergies to the gelatin in some fish oil capsules could trigger adverse reactions. Designed to protect the contents of fish oil from heat and from spoiling, gelatin can inspire such severe symptoms as hives, low blood pressure, a runny nose and lightheadedness.
Look for high quality fish tablets to avoid toxins or a lack of anti-oxidants, which can allow the fat in tablets to go bad and cause upset stomachs! One high standard certifying agency is The International Fish Oil Standard (IFOS). Or ask your pharmacist for the best fish oil available.