The Effects of American Ginseng Extract
Blood Sugar Control
American ginseng extract has been used by diabetics to improve blood sugar control. Researchers at St. Michael's Hospital and the University of Toronto found benefits for people with Type 2 diabetes. The effects were seen in both fasting and after eating blood sugar levels. More studies are being done to verify results.
Immune System Enhancement
A product containing high levels of American ginseng extract was found to help users experience fewer colds and colds of shorter duration. According to the Canadian Medical Association Journal (CMAJ), a double blind study of 323 people found that 400 mg of American ginseng daily reduced the incidence of the common cold. Similar studies showed it to be effective in reducing symptoms of flu in seniors. Additional work is being done on the benefits for patients living with HIV/AIDS and seems to show promise.
Cancer Cell Fighter
American ginseng has been shown to retard tumor growth. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, a study on colorectal cells showed American ginseng to be a powerful cancer cell fighter. Evidence exists that American ginseng extract, when paired with chemotherapy drugs, enhanced their performance.
Stomach Ailment Remedy
American ginseng has long been used to enhance appetite, quell nausea and stop vomiting. The herb also is beneficial for those with gastritis and colitis. Because it is often used to reduce stress symptoms, a side effect is less acid production and relief of ulcer symptoms. Cancer and AIDS patients have found it helpful in increasing appetite.
Side Effects
There are few reported side effects associated with American ginseng extract. It appears to be non-toxic and problems rarely occur except in overdose. In rare cases a user may experience any of the following: high blood pressure, insomnia, anxiety, euphoria, diarrhea or vomiting, breast pain, headache, nosebleed or unusual vaginal bleeding. It is best to consult with your doctor or homeopath before embarking on any herbal medicine treatments.