Natural Supplements to Increase Strength
Whey Protein
Consuming protein after a workout helps muscles to repair and rebuild. Whey protein is a fast dissolving protein and therefore can be taken immediately after an exercise regimen. When muscles can repair and rebuild quickly and properly, body strength increases. You can also drink a whey protein shake before going to bed. While you sleep, your body has a chance to concentrate on repairing your muscles, keeping them in optimal shape.
Creatine Monohydrate
Creatine monohydrate is a natural supplement that allows helps muscles absorb water. Muscles need water to be able to move and flex. If you are dehydrated and your muscles are not absorbing water, cramping can occur.
Branch Chain Amino Acids (BCAA)
Branch chain amino acids (BCAA) help the formation of muscle, as well as reducing fatigue and helping to maintain the plasma levels of BCAA's in the body. This allows for better endurance during exercise, thus allowing the muscles to work harder and build up strength.
Not all foods contain the vitamins needed for proper muscle building and repair. The key to increasing strength is to have muscles that are properly hydrated, strong, and able to properly repair themselves after a workout. Taking one multivitamin per day is beneficial in strength building.