Pros & Cons of Bodybuilding Supplements
Exercise and good food contribute to overall good health for men and women. Supplements contain nutrients your body requires for good health that are not always easy to assimilate from a regular diet. Supplements enhance a healthy diet and increase workout efficiency by energizing longer periods of exercise. A supplement regimen helps the body maintain hydration by helping you retain water.
The proper use of supplements helps the bodybuilder, both male and female, produce a well-formed physique that attracts interest.
Before starting any supplement regimen, you should get a complete physical checkup. Don't start using supplements until your doctor has assured you that using supplements will not cause a medical problem. Should you suffer from medical problems, some supplements can do you more harm than good.
Quality Check
Many supplements provide positive benefits. However, you should check the quality of any supplement before buying and before taking. Supplements sold in the United States must meet standards to which other countries may not adhere. If you purchase a supplement outside the United States, be aware that substances banned as dangerous in the United States may be in products purchased elsewhere. Check all labels for a quality control seal or assurance that the product is what you ordered. Check all ingredients and read labels to discover where the product was processed. Make sure that the supplement does not contain a substance to which you may be allergic or otherwise sensitive.
Caffeine and other ingredients may increase concentration and energy in the short term, but can harm you in the long run, especially if you have a caffeine sensitivity. Other ingredients, such as hormone derivatives, increase levels or testosterone. Others may block female estrogen. Adverse reactions to an overabundance of testosterone include acne and/or hair loss. Men may suffer from virility problems. Supplements with required nutrients, derived from natural sources, provide the best enhancement without side effects.
Some supplements promoted in the United States for male and female bodybuilders claim massive strength and muscle mass enhancements. Check out any claims. If they seem too good to be true, be very cautious. Such a supplement may contain more than healthy nutrients.