How do I Compare Fish Oil Tablets & Omega-3 Tablets?
Compare Fish Oil Products Knowledgeably
Compare the ratios of DHA/EPA in each supplement. DHA and EPA are both omega-3 fatty acids, while the body is able to convert between the two. Only a small amount of DHA is produced by the body, making additional intake or supplementation necessary. Since DHA converts into EPA more easily than EPA converts to DPA, DPA is the more imperative of the two. Both important to supplement as omega-3s, brain and nerve development are driven by DHA while EPA plays a cardio-protective role. Because of EPA's specific cholesterol- and triglyceride-lowering properties, those who are using fish oil therapeutically to lower triglyceride levels should strive for 1g/day of DHA and the higher dose of 3 to 4g/day of EPA. Compare fish oil and omega-3 tablets to see which provides more of each (or both) depending on individual needs.
Look for purity. Any oil taken from a sea-dwelling fish could have been contaminated environmentally by water contaminants: mercury, dioxins and PCBs, but even omega-3s taken from flax seeds should be protected from oxidation. Molecular distillation concentrates the omega-3 content of a fish oil while purifying it from toxic contaminants and preventing oxidation later on. Check to see that molecular distillation took place during processing of the product. Choose omega-3 tablets based from flax seeds if concerned about environmental contamination from fish oils.
Compare the standard of purity. The international fish oil standards (IFOS) organization tests for contaminants and oxidation, classifying fish oils based on the purity found within. Their highest grade "Ultra-refined Products Category" contains products with over 60 percenr of EPA or DHA. Reports detailing the purity of various brands are available from the IFOS testing center's website. Other well-respected regulating bodies, Norwegian Medicinal Standard and the European Pharmacopeia, allow no more than 0.1 parts per million of heavy metals, 2 parts per trillion of Dioxins and a minute amount of oxidation in each tested batch of fish oil.
Check for included antioxidants, such as vitamin E and C. Since omega-3 is a fatty acid, there is a change of rancidity occurring no matter what form the fatty acid comes in. Due to the tendency of fish oil to go rancid, antioxidants should be included in fish oil or omega-3 tablets to maintain the quality of the fatty acids. Vitamin E and C are two natural antioxidants which work well together to prevent oxidation, while vitamin E is even effective on its own. Flavenoids are sometimes added to products to increase shelf life, and are found naturally in flax seeds.