How to Use Mulberry for Weight Loss
Things You'll Need
- Mulberry leaf extract
- Mulberry capsules
- Dried mulberries
Use mulberry leaf capsules to reduce the absorption of sugar and starch after meals and balance your cholesterol levels. The leaf extract is generally sold in capsules and often combined with other health boosting herbs, like chrysanthemum flower and cinnamon.
Take a dosage of mulberry powder before your largest meal of the day, followed with low-glyciemic, magnesium-rich foods. Tieraona Low Dog, M.D., director of the Fellowship at the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine, points to clinical trails that suggest that mulberry leaf powder suppresses insulin secretion after meals--wonderful for overweight or obese individuals suffering from diabetes.
Add mulberries to your morning cereal or yogurt. If you work out regularly, making raw or dried mulberries a regular part of your diet could increase your muscle endurance and boost your energy. That's because the berries contain significant amounts of resveratrol, the same antioxidant in red wine and grapes. Studies show that resveratrol boosts our muscles' ability to absorb glucose from food. This means that more calories go into muscles and fewer go into fat cells.
Drink organic mulberry juice. Cold-pressed, unsweetened black mulberry juice is sold in many natural food stores. The juice is said to cleanse the digestive track and maintain regular bowel function.