How do I Enhance Intestinal Bacteria?
Things You'll Need
- Prebiotic supplements
- Probiotic supplements
- Natural "live" yogurt
Prebiotic and Probiotic Supplements
Take prebiotics, which are saccharides, or sugar molecules, that work alongside probiotics by stimulating the growth of good bacteria such as bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. They also help reduce disease-causing bacteria such as klebsiella and clostridia. They keep intestinal pH levels balanced to help with mineral absorption. Prebiotics, fructooligosaccharides and inulin are found naturally in certain foods. Prebiotics in supplement form can be found in most health food stores. They work in synergy with probiotics so are best taken together.
Take probiotics, dietary supplements that contain friendly bacteria and often come in powder, liquid extract, capsule or tablet form. Flora does not stay in the gut permanently so we need to get it from food or supplements. General probiotic supplements are Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacteria bifidum. B. infantis is appropriate for children. There are probiotics to suit most conditions such as lactose intolerance, irritable bowel and diarrhea. For example, Saccharomyces boulardi helps protect against E. coli while Entamoeba histolytica can be effective against salmonella. The best supplements are refrigerated and should be kept cool.
Look for good food sources of prebiotics including Jerusalem artichokes, chicory, Chinese chives, maple sugar, onion, garlic, leeks and bananas, soybeans, peas, legumes, eggplant, burdock root, asparagus, whole rye and whole wheat. Eat cultured dairy products and live yogurt to give you a good dose of probiotics along with fermented foods such as sauerkraut. Other fermented foods are miso (a fermented soy bean paste), tempeh, kimchi, picked daikon radish and amasake, a sweet rice drink traditionally used in Asian cultures.
Chinese tea works as a probiotic Drink Chinese tea to increase intestinal flora. It works because of its high polyphenol levels. Add ginger, ginseng and dandelion to foods as they are also good probiotics. Dandelion can be made into a tea or added to salads.
Supplement with around one billion microbes of each protective species once a day for preventative purposes. This generally means around a quarter to one and a half teaspoons or one to three capsules day. Therapeutic doses can be this amount three times a day, or more. Side effects can be bloating, diarrhea or gas, but this is not necessarily a bad sign. It is wise to consult a natural health care practitioner if you think you need therapeutic doses.