The Effects of Acai Berry Power 500
Weight Loss
Sellers of Acai Berry Power 500 tout its ability to promote weight loss. However, notes that there is not data to support the claim that acai berries promote weight loss. In addition, the FDA does not verify that the claims of supplements, including Acai Berry Power 500, are true. Registered dietitian Wendy Marcason notes that there is very limited research to support the claims made by acai berry products.
Energy Boost
Acai berries are also noted for their ability to raise energy levels. cites a study performed by Texas AgriLife scientists that shows acai berries are a very efficient fuel source. They also claim that when the berries are processed into capsules, like Acai Berry 500 capsules, they contain high levels of fiber and iron, promoting effective digestion and toxin removal. This leaves you with more energy.
Acai berries are known to contain antioxidants. According to University of Florida news, this means consumption of acai berries may help you fight off diseases like cancer. agrees that taking Acai Berry Power 500 can help improve the health of your immune system and that it promotes overall wellness. Antioxidants are also thought to be important in preventing early aging.
Side Effects
There are no published studies about the side effects of acai berries or Acai Berry Power 500 in humans. The closest available evidence is a study by Schauss et al. that finds acai berry fortified fruit and berry juice products were non-toxic when administered to mice. lists this lack of knowledge as one of the biggest reasons not to take Acai Berry Power 500. People who have known allergies to other berries and berry products should be especially careful when taking Acai Berry Power 500, as it is likely they have an allergy to acai berry as well. As with all supplements, consulting your physician is a wise step that helps avoid complications and unwanted outcomes.