How do I Cycle Superdrol?
Superdrol was manufactured by Anabolic Xtreme. Superdrol is a prohormone and acts as a precursor to testosterone inside the body. This supplement is meant for males who are interested in putting on lean body mass and increasing their strength. Superdrol is no longer manufactured or sold in the United States. The manufacturer's instructions on the recommended usage is also not easily available. There are some generalizations made about what dosages to consume on forums and other nutritional supplement websites.Instructions
Superdrol Cycle
Plan the duration of your Superdrol cycle. Anabolic Xtreme recommends using the product for six weeks. Users who have discussed their cycles and usage of Superdrol have stated three weeks is long enough to achieve sound results.
Take a 10 mg capsule of Superdrol per day to start the first week of your cycle. Anabolic Xtreme indicates each capsule contains 10 mg of the active ingredient Methasteron.
Graduate the dosages from week one, starting at one or two capsules, until you reach a maximum dosage of four capsules a day. You can increase your dosage to two to three capsules in weeks three and four. Then in weeks five and six you can increase to three to four capsules. Split the dosages up during the day. Take half your daily dose in the morning and the other half 12 hours later.
Take a liver tab in conjunction with Superdrol to protect your liver from increased toxicity in the liver. Superdrol can be toxic to the liver due to its chemical alteration. The liver cannot break down Superdrol on its first pass and increases the strain on the liver to metabolize this compound.
Purchase a post cycle therapy (PCT) supplement to help boost your body's natural testosterone production once you have completed the Superdrol cycle. Anabolic Xtreme recommends Novedex XT.