Red Marine Algae Foods
Red Algae Superior Food
Red marine algae are a valuable food source for reef fishes in the open ocean. It makes sense that aquarium fish would benefit from a diet that includes red marine algae. Researchers at the Department of Zoology at Arizona State University conducted a study in 1979 and compared different types of marine algae as food for fishes. They found that herbivore marine fish, especially damselfish, benefited from a diet that included red marine algae because they are better able to digest red marine algae. Most herbivore marine fish do not chew their food, so the cell chemistry is a major factor in digestibility. Red algae were found to be easily digestible.
Commercial Foods
Marine herbivores in a saltwater aquarium often suffer malnutrition because they are not receiving the proper diet. It is a common practice to feed marine fish plant matter like lettuce, spinach or broccoli. In their natural environment, herbivores like angelfish and damselfish feed almost exclusively on algae. Red marine algae food is sold commercially as dried flakes or chopped and frozen. Marine aquarium fishes thrive when fed commercial foods. Marine herbivores are grazing fishes and should have food available at all times. Most types of dried red algae are designed to sink to where grazing fish usually feed. Commercial red marine algae foods are accepted by most aquarium fish and are easily digested.
Cultivating Algae
The marine aquarium enthusiast who prefers live, fresh red marine algae can cultivate red algae for fish food. Many pet stores that sell marine fish also offer "live" rocks that are infused with algae. Blennies eat algae exclusively, and marine aquarium owners often keep a couple of blennies in their tank to clean up algae growth. Like most marine herbivores, blennies do not eat all kinds of algae, but prefer to eat green and red marine algae. Marine herbivores will usually thrive in an aquarium that has healthy algae crop. Large saltwater tanks that contain a miniature reef require healthy red marine algae. The grazing herbivores will keep the excess growth of red marine algae in check. Aquarium owners can encourage the growth of red marine algae by removing a stone and placing it in a small container of aquarium water. Place the container in an area that receives ample sunlight, and the algae should grow rapidly. When the algae have matured sufficiently for feeding, return the stone to the aquarium and place a new stone in the cultivation container. This practice will ensure a continuous supply of fresh red marine algae for aquarium herbivores.