Chia Seed Dangers
Chia seeds were first used as the staple of nutrition in 3500 B.C. in Central America. The scientific name of the plant is Salvia Hispanica, and the chia seed itself is the size of a pinhead. In some cases it may be used as an alternative treatment for cancer. It has been shown to boost energy levels and provide essential nutrients.
Chia seeds are a type of sage and a member of the mint family. They are high in omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin B-17. In addition they are high in protein and boron, and assist in the absorption of calcium. Chia seeds are also valued for their ability to retain their liquid content and electrolytes.
Individuals taking blood thinners should consult their physician before consuming chia seeds. Individuals on blood thinners such as Warfarin need to take caution when eating chia seeds. They lower blood pressure and act as natural blood thinners. In combination with prescription blood thinners, this can increase bleeding and present health dangers.
Allergic Reactions
Chia seeds are still being tested as possible allergens. In some individuals, chia seed consumption can cause watery eyes, hives and rashes. More severe reactions include vomiting, diarrhea, trouble breathing and swelling of the tongue. If you experience any of these reactions after eating chia seeds, contact your doctor.
Possible Dangers
Pregnant women should not consume chia seeds. Other dangerous side effects of chia seeds are being studied. Doctors are uncertain how chia seeds affect pregnant or lactating women, and for this reason are not recommended for them. Some studies have proposed that long-term consumption of chia seeds may lead to addiction. Another study has also linked chia seeds to an increased risk of prostate cancer.