About Vitamins to Control Oily Skin
Skin Assessment
Seek your doctor's help to manage oily skin. Your doctor or dermatologist will first evaluate your skin to determine whether what products are a good match for your skin type. She will also discuss how to incorporate the products into your skin care regimen.
Topical Vitamin-Derived Products
Your doctor may prescribe topical vitamin-derived products to manage oily skin. Managing oily skin with vitamin A derivatives works for many patients concerned about large pores and an excessively shiny facial appearance. Unplugging pores and speeding the healing process of comedones (blackheads or whiteheads) is the main reason your doctor will consider vitamin A-derived products. Retinoids often pair with other medicines to clear breakout-prone skin. Some vitamin A-derived medicines include adapalene, tretinoin and tazarotene.
Determining what kind of topical medicine to prescribe depends on your doctor's assessment. She may choose lotions, gels, creams or prepared pads. If your skin is oily and sensitive, your doctor may prescribe a cream or lotion-based, oil-free preparation. Your doctor may offer a medicine with an alcohol base to aid in drying the skin. Your doctor will advise how to use the medicine and the frequency of application.
Oral Vitamin A
Consuming fat-soluble vitamin A supplements should be considered when you have a deficiency. According to Dr. Leslie Baumann, higher vitamin A levels correlate with lower sebum levels. Eating normal portions of green- and orange-colored vegetables and fruits and egg yolks provides all the vitamin A most people need.
Oral Vitamin C
Enjoy vitamin C naturally in citrus fruits and vegetables. Proven by medical research to build collagen, the role of vitamin C in maintaining skin's elasticity is established. Consuming vitamin C-rich foods, such as citrus and berries, probably supplies all of the vitamin C you need to keep skin and tissues in optimal health. Vitamin C also assists general wound healing and works with other vitamins to protect your skin.
Oral B Vitamins
B vitamins at proper levels maintain beautiful healthy skin. Consuming enough B vitamins, e.g., through whole grains and milk, is possible for most people. Balancing B vitamins in the body maintains skin dryness or oiliness: B1 helps maintain normal circulation. Vitamin B2, or riboflavin, deficiency may result in brown pigmentation or liver spots. Severely low levels of riboflavin can lead to oily skin and hair, or cause fatty skin deposits. Vitamin B6 or pyridoxine deficiencies may cause a kind of oily dermatitis.
Ensuring adequate B vitamins means balanced, beautiful skin. Supplemental B vitamins during pregnancy, old age and in times of stress may be doctor-prescribed.
Vitamin D Supplements
Using Vitamin D supplements may help a variety of skin and bone health issues if you have a deficiency. Your doctor can establish blood titer levels for all vitamins present in your body.