Gelatin for Healthy Hair Growth
The process of hydrolysis extracts gelatin from collagen. This occurs when the colorless agent reacts with water to form a jelly-like substance (gelatin). Collagen in the human body is a fibrous molecule responsible for the strength of bones and hair. When extracted from animals for gelatin purposes, it tends to come from bovine or pork products, most commonly from cows.
Health Benefits
Amino acids in gelatin may be linked to hair growth. Gelatin contains 18 amino acids, nine of which are essential for humans. It is a particularly beneficial source of the essential amino acid lysine, a building block of protein the body is incapable of manufacturing on its own. Because hair is primarily protein, a diet for healthy hair should be rich in proteins. Individuals lacking protein in their diets and looking to improve their hair health would benefit from taking gelatin supplements.
Amino Acids and Hair Growth
The amino acids lysine, arginine and methionine are components of gelatin that promote healthy hair growth. Arginine encourages growth hormone release and stimulates metabolic processes and general growth. Methionine, like lysine, is an essential amino acid that aids the prevention of premature hair loss. According to, methionine also enhances the growth, quality and texture of hair. Amino acids taken as dietary supplements can promote hair growth.
Striking a Protein Balance
Being deficient in protein can hinder the growth and quality of an individual’s hair. Not only does a lack of protein cause hair to become dry and brittle, but it also can lead to more serious health risks, such as infertility and a weakened immune system, according to the article "Amino Acid (Protein) Deficiency Signs." However, too much protein in a diet can be detrimental to the kidneys, the Mayo Clinic reports.
Vegan Alternatives
While gelatin is categorically a meat-based substance, the market for vegan alternatives is increasing. Substances containing the same properties as gelatin include agar-agar--a seaweed-based substitute that is a gelatinous natural hair thickener--and biotin, a substance created from yeast and bacteria in the human body that promotes hair growth. You can find agar-agar in shampoo or capsule form; biotin is an oral supplement.