What Are the Dangers of Muscle Milk?
Exposure to Potentially Harmful Substances
The dangers of Muscle Milk include exposure to potentially harmful substances. According to ConsumerReports.org, "The samples of Muscle Milk Chocolate powder we tested contained four heavy metals--cadmium, arsenic, mercury and lead--and levels of three metals in the product were among the highest of all in our tests. Three daily servings of Muscle Milk Vanilla Crème contained 12.2 µg of lead, exceeding lead limits, and 11.2 µg of arsenic. A fourth product, Muscle Milk Nutritional Shake Chocolate (liquid), provided an average of 14.3 µg of arsenic per day from three servings, approaching the proposed USP limit."
Consuming large servings of Muscle Milk, as suggested by the manufacturer, exceeds the suggested USP levels for the substances. Three servings of the protein drink puts you at risk of exposure to potentially harmful substances that can damage internal organs and systems in the body. The combination of the heavy metals combined in Muscle Milk raises concerns of toxicity.
The dangers of Muscle Milk includes the presence of cadmium. This heavy metal is a particular concern because it increases the risk of damaging the kidneys, where it accumulates. In fact, cadmium can stay in the kidneys for 20 years.
Excessive Protein
The dangers of Muscle Milk include excessive levels of protein being ingested. While drinking one or two protein drinks on occasion is not likely to cause damage to internal organs, excessive consumption over long periods of time has been shown to cause a dangerous buildup of protein. Amino acids are needed in the body to break down protein. When Muscle Milk is ingested only one type of amino acid enters the body in large amounts. This can cause health problems such as muscle damage, kidney damage, liver damage and dehydration.
High Protein Contributes to Bone Loss
The danger of Muscle Milk includes increased risk of osteoporosis. Protein supplements such as Muscle Milk can cause bone loss if used over long periods of time.