Side Effects of Zymex
The statements listed in this article have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Natural supplements and interventions can have side effects. As a general rule, they tend to be limited and not severe. Allergic reactions can, and do, occur. Adverse effects usually occur within minutes to a few hours after contact. If you experience nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal cramps, skin irritations (such as eczema or hives) or labored breathing, stop taking the medication and contact your health care provider immediately.
The duration and severity of a symptom varies with each individual, dosage taken, and if there are any other contributing health factors. Generally, the side effects are mild and may last anywhere from only a few minutes to a few days, and in rare cases, a few months. Depending on the symptom, it may be recurring or it may cease with stopping the medication. It is important to get treated quickly to avoid anaphylactic shock from any unknown allergies.
Antihistamines are the most common medicines used to help relieve rashes and hives, as well as sneezing, itching, and runny nose. They are available in prescription and non-prescription form. Antiemetics are commonly used to reduce nausea and vomiting and are also easily available over the counter. In some severe cases, epinephrine is the only medication which can help during a life-threatening anaphylactic attack. To be effective, epinephrine must be given within minutes of the first sign of serious allergic reaction. You should always consult your doctor prior to taking any medications.
A small dose may or may not cause side effects in sensitive individuals. Even small amounts can cause an adverse reaction in those with unknown allergies. A reaction may not be adverse to the product itself, but possibly in ingredient contained in the product. There is a difference between side effect, allergy, and intolerance, so be sure to check the ingredients and blend prior to taking the supplement. Epinephrine is a very safe drug and can be life saving. It should be used for any allergic reaction that includes more than just a few hives.
Zymex capsules contain the nutrients that support the establishment and maintenance of beneficial intestinal flora and proper pH. It is a vegetarian product that not only aids in keeping your intestinal pH balanced and digestive system healthy, but also helps to keep your immune system healthy. However, since Zymex contains an ingredient of lactose (milk), a caution is expressed for individuals who may be lactose intolerant. You should consult your health care professional before using this product.