What Are the Benefits of Rhodelia Rosea?
Rhodelia rosea, otherwise known as golden root or rhodiola rosea, is a perennial plant native to cold regions of Europe, Asia and North America. According to an article on the Your Body Can Heal website, the herb has been used for centuries and can help relieve a variety of health problems, and is known especially to improve nervous system function. Although its use is not usually accompanied by side effects, rhodelia rosea can cause dizziness, insomnia and anxiety. As with most herbal supplements, always consult a doctor before using rhodelia rosea.-
Anxiety and Depression Relief
Rhodelia rosea is often used to treat anxiety and depression. The herb is a muscle relaxant and also aids blood flow, which helps relieve anxiety symptoms such as stomachaches and muscle cramping. Rhodelia rosea also boosts seratonin and dopamine levels, which helps eliminate symptoms that are commonly associated with depression, such as lack of energy.
Fibromyalgia Relief
Fibromyalgia is a condition that results from improper adrenal system function. The adrenal system is composed of a variety of glands, which are located on top of the kidneys. The adrenal glands regulate hormone production, which affects metabolism and blood composition (See Resource 1). Rhodelia rosea triggers proper hormone release, improving adrenal function, and, as noted above, can help ease anxiety and stress, which are primary symptoms of fibromyalgia.
Altitude Sickness Relief
Rhodelia rosea is an adaptogen, which means that it improves the functioning of the nervous system without detrimental effects to other bodily functions. This attribute makes it an excellent treatment for altitude sickness. Altitude sickness occurs when the body does not adjust to the extreme conditions that are present at high altitudes. Rhodelia rosea boosts the immune system and nervous system, which allows the body to adjust to these conditions without corresponding side effects, such as anxiety and insomnia.
Smoking Benefits
If you are a heavy smoker and are considering quitting, ask your doctor about using rhodelia rosea as an herbal supplement. The herb's effects on the nervous system help alleviate nicotine withdrawal side effects, such as anxiety, depression and insomnia. Since cigarette use influences dopamine levels, rhodelia rosea may help balance these chemicals during withdrawal periods, resulting in less severe symptoms (See Resource 2).