Medicinal Uses of Powdered Barley Grass
Barley grass contains superoxide dismutase (SOD), an enzyme that works to halt the cellular damage caused by superoxide, a common free radical, according to the Vitamin Stuff website. Antioxidants prevent free radicals from making changes to your cells. The antioxidant component of barley grass may be partially responsible for its anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory effects.
Lower Cholesterol
Beta-sitosterol, a molecule very similar to cholesterol, is another key component of barley grass, according to the website Phytochemicals. The Drug Information Online website reports that clinical trials have shown that beta-sitosterol lowers total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol, the harmful component of cholesterol. Beta-sitosterol may work by preventing the intestines from absorbing cholesterol.
Energy Enhancement
According to the Drug Information Online website, barley grass contains a range of B vitamins. These vitamins are essential to your body's ability to convert proteins, carbohydrates and fats into energy. According to The Vitamins & Nutrition Center, because B vitamins are water soluble, you need to replenish your supply of them every day. Barley grass powder can help you maintain appropriate levels of B vitamins. Nervous system function, hair, nail and skin health, and the formation of blood cells all depend on B vitamins. Taking sufficient B vitamins is also essential to athletic performance.
The Healing Cancer Naturally website recommends barley grass powder for its anti-cancer effects. Barley grass contains alpha-tocopherol succinate, another powerful antioxidant related to vitamin E. Doctors believe that this component of barley grass helps to inhibit tumor growth. A study at George Washington University found that dehydrated barley grass extract killed several different types of cancer cells in the laboratory.
Some of the less medically substantiated claims about barley grass powder concern its high chlorophyll content. Chlorophyll is a natural chemical found in green plants, and is responsible for barley grass powder's bright green color. The Methods of Healing website claims that the chlorophyll in barley grass can remove environmental toxins from the body, and that chlorophyll is a powerful antibacterial agent. Anecdotal evidence suggests that chlorophyll can freshen breath and eliminate body odor.