What Is Cernitin Flower Pollen?
Cernitin flower pollen is collected from eight different types of flowers. Rye grass is one of the pollens that is collected, which has many health benefits associated with it. The pollen is collected directly from plants rather than using bee pollen, and the husk of the pollen is eliminated to create a clean extract, that may make it less prone to creating allergies.
Prostatic Hyperplasia
The prostate gland is a male organ near the urethra that functions by releasing fluid with sperm during sexual climax to aid in its movement. The prostate continues to grow throughout a man's life, and will eventually cause symptoms of prostatic hyperplasia. This includes pain during urination as it puts pressure on the urethra.
Studies have shown that this extract is especially good at targeting prostate cells over other types of cells in the body. Other body cells fight the Cernitin flower pollen when it is introduced. Because of this, scientists would like to study its ability to inhibit abnormal growth in other types of cells that do not respond to hormones. Cernitin flower pollen extract is added to many supplements.
Extraction Benefits
The way the Cernitin flower pollen is extracted helps avoid contamination, unlike pollen collected by bees. Things like fungi, mites or bacteria are eliminated when flower pollen is collected directly from the flower. This process can be more tightly controlled than bee pollen collection, and the pollen husks which are associated with allergies can be removed.
Flower pollen has many nutrients in it that are the essentials of a healthy life. This includes over 20 amino acids, as well as important vitamins and minerals. There are also fatty acids and trace elements. The compounds associated with prostate health include quercetin, stigmasterol and cyclic hydroxamic acid. It also can relax the smooth muscle of the urethra, making urination easier.