What Is Liposan Ultra Chitosan?
Chitosan is a polysaccharide or dietary fiber that is derived from chitin. It has been used in many weight loss products. Liposan Ultra Chitosan is a weight loss supplement that is supposed to utilize the natural weight loss capacities of chitosan and enhance them. The Chitoson Planet website claims that it can be taken at meal time, as it digests quickly in the stomach. It is manufactured by the supplement company Primex. It is available for purchase from multiple health sites online or from most health food stores. It is important to note that many of the positive statements made about chitosan and Liposan Ultra Chitosan are made on websites that are promoting or selling these products.
Liposan Ultra Chitosan is made almost entirely out of chitosan. It contains 90% chitosan and 10% preservatives and binding agents. Liposan Ultra Chitosan websites are reluctant to reveal what is contained in the last 10% of the ingredients, stating that it contains ingredients that enhance the natural weight loss capabilities of chitosan. Finding information that revealed the rest of these ingredients may prove to be difficult without buying a bottle of Liposan Ultra Chitosan.
Working Method
Liposan Ultra is advertised as a naturally fat binding dietary fiber. Fiber is a substance in food that cannot be digested. It naturally passes through the body. Sites like Chitosan Planet report that Liposan Ultra Chitosan will bind to fat cells in the intestines. Once the fat is bound, the Liposan Ultra Chitosan gel is supposed to cover the fat and protect it from being broken down by digestive acids. The fat will then pass through the body attached to the fiber undigested and leave the body in bowel movements. Undigested fat cannot contribute to weight gain. These sites also claim that the effectiveness of chitosan is not dependent on changing your diet.
Side Effects
No side effects have been reported while taking Liposan Ultra Chitosan. However, Diets in Review suggested that people who are pregnant, allergic to shellfish or taking supplements for vitamin A, D, E and K should not take this supplement as it may interfere with the absorption of these vitamins. They also reported that testimonial evidence by purchasers of Liposan Ultra Chitosan is difficult to find. While testimonials aren't scientifically appropriate as evidence, they can be useful for finding out about any potential side effects and product effectiveness.
A clinical trial held by Dr. John A Williamson, a senior lecturer of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry in England, found that people exposed to an ultra fat diet lost weight while they took Liposan Ultra Chitosan. The group that did not take Liposan Ultra Chitosan gained weight. However, it is important to note that this trial is reported at the Wilke Resources website, a site that promotes and sells this weight loss supplement.