Hydrolyzed Collagen Side Effects
Topical Side Effects
Topical use of hydrolyzed collagen has been known to trigger dermatitis or inflammation of the skin. Essentially, a mild rash develops. The exact cause may vary by person--but most often dermatitis is a form of allergic reaction. The best cure for those affected is to cease using hydrolyzed collagen topically.
Oral Reactions
Gelatin, like any food product, runs the risk of food allergies. Hydrolyzed collagen is made of degraded animal protein, most commonly from cows. People who are allergic to beef and other animal products should be wary of consuming hydrolyzed collagen.
Chicken Collagen
Some hydrolyzed collagen products are now being made from chicken. While there are no studies on side effects of chicken-based hydrolyzed collagen, other chicken-based supplement products have been known to cause nausea, heartburn, diarrhea, constipation, drowsiness, skin reactions, and headache. People with known allergies to chicken and other meat products should consider avoiding this form of hydrolyzed collagen.