Salmon Oil Facts
Salmon oil is distilled during the salmon harvesting process as a byproduct when collecting salmon for food production. The oil is detoxified before being processed, removing toxins and heavy metals.
Sources of Salmon Oil in a Diet
Salmon oil can become part of a diet through a couple of different sources. Increasing the amount of salmon meat is one way. Those who dislike the taste, or simply wish to include salmon oil into more aspects of a daily diet, can purchase dietary supplements containing concentrated omega-3 rich salmon oil. As with any supplements, moderation is recommended.
Other Uses for Salmon Oil
Beyond being the most omega-3 rich fish oil supplement, salmon oil is part of many medications. Salmon oil is a natural and safe pain reliever, making it common in different types of pain medication. Salmon oil is also in medications for patients suffering from inflammatory and respiratory diseases.
Salmon Oil Health Benefits for Humans
Including salmon oil in a diet increases the amount of HDL in the bloodstream, reducing harmful cholesterol in the body. The omega-3 fatty acid found in salmon oil prevents both cardiovascular disease and memory degeneration. Lowered blood pressure, prostate and breast cancer prevention, reduced depression and eyesight improvement are all additional benefits linked to salmon oil consumption.
Salmon Oil Benefits in Dogs
Many of the benefits of human consumption also apply when salmon oil is part of a canine diet. In addition, salmon oil improves the flavor and increases the energy content of dog food. High quality fatty acids in a canine diet are also crucial for skin and hair health in dogs, with a salmon oil-rich diet reducing the risk for diseases causing skin inflammation and itching.