Magnesium Malate for Insomnia
Insomnia and its Types
Insomnia is the inability to fall asleep for the entire duration of the night, affecting daytime activity. Insomnia can be of many types--the transient type which lasts only a week; the acute type, which can go on over a few weeks and chronic, which stays for over a month. The transient type is not something to get worried over. Stress causes transient insomnia. Acute insomnia is also not something to worry about, but the chronic type is a serious concern.
Causes of Insomnia
Insomnia can also be the symptom of a deeper issue. If you find it difficult falling asleep, then it is most likely because of anxiety issues. If you wake up in the middle of sleep, then this insomnia may be because of painful memories or some underlying medical condition. If you regularly wake up too early and find it difficult going through the day then it may be a symptom of clinical depression.
Insomnia Due to Magnesium Deficiency
Studies show that magnesium deficiency is a leading cause of insomnia, and even if there is no such deficiency, taking magnesium malate as a supplement on a daily basis can reduce the occurrence of insomnia. Magnesium is also known to help in other bodily activities and is used to combat depression. If the insomnia is because of depression, then taking magnesium malate is a good solution. It is the best-known treatment for the two ailments put together.
Daily Intake of Magnesium Malate
The recommended magnesium in your daily diet is at about 400mg, although taking more is not harmful. However, when using magnesium malate supplements, your daily dose of Magnesium intake should ideally stay below 350mg. Intake of magnesium malate beyond this limit should be done only with the approval of a doctor. If magnesium malate is not delivering satisfactory results, then try reducing calcium from your daily diet.
Care in Taking Magnesium Malate
Although the use of magnesium malate does not require a prescription, it is advisable to talk to a doctor. While taking magnesium malate, it is important to keep a check on calcium intake. Calcium is a known inhibitor of magnesium receptors in the body; therefore, it will reduce the effectiveness of magnesium malate.