Salmon Oil and Depression
Salmon Oil and Depression
The Journal of Affective Disorders published a 1998 study where researchers noted significantly lower levels of Omega-3s in the red blood cell membranes of patients with depression. Following this study were a wide range of tests on controlled groups of both patients with bipolar disorder and those suffering from clinical depression, all finding that over a short period of time, as much as four weeks, instituting only 9.6 grams of fish oil a day showed a significant increase of Omega-3 in their blood stream resulting in a decrease of depressive mood.
In 1980, it was found that the Inuti people had low rates of heart disease due to an abundant fish diet. It was later concluded that the Omega-3 fatty acids in the fish was what protected their hearts. The very first study done on the effects of Omega-3 was a Harvard pilot study conducted in 1999 on 30 bipolar disorder patients. Half the subjects were given 9.6 grams of fish oil capsules, the other half received olive oil. The trial was scheduled to go on for nine months, but was stopped after four months due to amazing results, when the Omega-3 group remained in remission much longer than the placebo patients. In 2003 the higher dose paradox was formed by the Stanley Foundation Bipolar Network. The group carried out a study on 59 depressed patients and found that those treated with 6 grams per day did not have decreasing depression levels revealing that in order to treat depression with fish oil at least 9.6 grams per day must be administered to the patient.
Treatment for Bipolar Disorder
According to Web MD, Omega-3 fatty acids are highly effective in treating the mood swings of patients with bipolar disorder, a major gateway disorder to clinical depression. Traditionally, there have been very few successful treatments for this condition, which could be revolutionary in treating bipolar disorder.
Other Health Benefits
Omega-3 supports the brain and nervous system and salmon oil is one of the richest sources of Omega-3. Salmon oil has also been noted to prevent Alzheimer's disease, as well as heart disease through lowering triglycerides and increasing HDL cholesterol, which is recognized as the the good cholesterol. Omega-3 fatty acids also acts as an anticoagulant to prevent blood from clotting, and decreasing high blood pressure.
Salmon is known for having a lot of fat, and while these are Omega-3 fatty acids and considered to be healthy fat, too much of any type of fat can lead to high blood pressure, diabetes, and in the long run, potential cardiac arrest. When using high doses of salmon oil to treat clinical depression, it is best for you to access the Omega-3 you need through the use of fish oil capsules, as opposed incorporating the actual salmon into your diet.