The Effects of Excess Iron in the Body
Short-Term Effects
When your body is getting too much iron, there is no place for all of it to go. Unlike with many other elements, your body cannot excrete iron. It can only store it. Some effects you might notice right away are fatigue, dizziness, nausea, headache, weight loss and skin discoloration. If you are taking iron supplements and aren't feeling better, visit your doctor. You may need to have blood tests done to see if you are developing hemochromatosis or some other complication from iron overload.
Long-Term Problems
Excess iron can lead to many very serious long-term health problems. Organ damage, liver cancer and cirrhosis, heart disease and diabetes are just a few of the illnesses that can develop if you consume an excess quantity of iron over time. Heart disease can lead to heart failure or stroke, and arthritis can also develop as a result of iron overload.
Sexual Effects
Too much iron can cause erectile dysfunction in men, and can cause fertility problems for women. Women are susceptible to iron deficiencies, too, however, because menstruation can sometimes lead to the loss of a lot of blood. It may be necessary for a doctor to prescribe an iron supplement in these cases.
Unless you have been diagnosed by a doctor with anemia, you probably should not be taking iron supplements. But if you do, be sure to tell your doctor, and follow all directions.