Is Testosterone Helpful for Sore Muscles?
Testosterone is the naturally occurring hormone responsible for bone mass, fat distribution, sex drive and muscle mass. It's also responsible for the appearance of secondary male characteristics such as facial hair and a gruff voice. In men it is manufactured in the testes and in women in the ovaries. When muscles are sore or damaged, the body uses testosterone to build bigger cells over the damage, resulting in muscle growth. A testosterone supplement can hasten this process.-
Testosterone in synthetic form is an anabolic steroid. It is available as an injection, in tablet, cream or gel form, as patches and even as time release pellets under the skin. However, in most countries it is only legal when prescribed by a doctor.
Testosterone speeds muscle growth and increases muscle bulk. By blocking the stress hormone cortisol, which makes muscles feel sore, testosterone facilitates faster recovery time after strenuous exercise and allows more intense training. It is a useful tool for body builders and professional sportsmen and women.
Other Benefits
Testosterone is often prescribed for men with low sperm count or those suffering from muscle wasting diseases such as AIDS. Post menopausal women may be prescribed testosterone to restore their libido and it decreases the risk of osteoporosis.
Side Effects
Above-normal levels of testosterone can produce alarming side effects such as acne, fluid retention and uncontrollable rage. Women may experience weight gain, scalp baldness and a deepening of the voice. Excess testosterone in men can cause the prostate to enlarge or a dormant cancer to become malignant and in extreme cases atrophy of the male genitals.
Anabolic steroids are classed as performance enhancing drugs and their use is banned by most sporting bodies. Like other drugs, they can be addictive and if obtained illegally might not be what they are advertised to be. In a recent court case (2009) it was found that an on-line pharmacy was dispensing veterinary steroids intended for cattle to its human customers.