The Scientific Benefits of Juicing
Benefits for the Metabolism
Enzymes---protein produced by living cells that promotes the chemical processes of life without itself being altered---are abundant in raw fruits and vegetables. Enzymes in raw fruits and vegetables turn food in body tissue and energy. Enzymes also regulate the metabolic rate in the body. These enzymes nourish and regenerate the cells, tissue, glands and organs in the body.
Benefits for Aging
Juicing slows and possibly reverses the scientific process of aging. Freshly juiced fruits and vegetables fight the effects that free radicals--- chemical particles that contain an unpaired electron and are extremely reactive---in the atmosphere have on the skin and muscles. Juicing stops the wrinkling process and keeps muscles toned. Juicing also slows down age-related illnesses. For example, arthritis, osteoporosis and general eyesight problems related to age are slowed with juicing.
Benefits for Illness
Fresh juiced fruits and vegetables contain phytochemicals---substances in plants that fight disease. Taking in juiced fruits and vegetables allow phytochemicals to enter the body easier and quicker. Phytochemicals found in broccoli prevent cancer. Citrus fruit that is juiced removes carcinogens---chemical or other substance that causes cancer---from the body that increase the risk of cancerous cells. Phytochemicals found in grapes protect DNA cells from damage.