Properties of Zinc Sulfate

Zinc sulfate effectively controls minor cases of Hairy Foot Wart, a condition that plagues U.S. cows. However, the human body does not easily absorb it, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center. Ingesting zinc sulfate, also known as zinc salts, can upset your stomach and cause irritation.
  1. Appearance

    • Zinc sulfate looks a lot like salt. It's generally white or colorless. Zinc sulfate maintains a clear, colorless appearance in water.


    • Zinc sulfate won't dissolve in alcohol, but it will dissolve in water. As it does, positive zinc ions emerge. If you place a solution of water and zinc sulfate between two plates of glass, attach a wire and some negative voltage, a microscopic branch-like crystal will become visible. According to Boston University's Center for Polymer Studies, if you closely inspect the crystal's branches, you will see the dendrites resemble a snowflake.


    • Zinc sulfate is found at hazardous waste sites---and its potential for entering drinking water is a historic concern, according to The National Academies Press' "Spacecraft Water Exposure Guidelines for Selected Contaminants, Volume 2." Zinc sulfate is also an aquatic invertebrate and fish toxin.

      Excessive amounts of zinc sulfate can damage plants. In fact, powder containing at least 99 percent zinc sulfate will kill moss. Zinc sulfate can also control the growth of liverworts in greenhouses, but according to Oregon State University's North Willamette Research Center, the amount necessary is toxic to nursery crops.


    • Zinc sulfate is an irritant to eyes, skin and lungs. Flush the eyes or skin with plenty of water for no less than 15 minutes. If the zinc sulfate is in the air, move away from it and seek fresh air. If breathing becomes difficult, oxygen and emergency medical aid will be necessary. In the event of accidental ingestion, give a conscious victim no more than 4 cupfuls of milk or water.

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