Radiant Energy Herbs

Radiant energy herbs are naturally occurring herbs that increase energy level, sense of well being and boost the immune system. Various herbs are believed to have different effects on the body. Although there is no scientific evidence testing their efficacy, herbs have been used for years in eastern medicine.

Radiant energy herbs are available either separately or in combination forms. There are three types of herbs that when taken consistently are believed to help obtain radiant health.
  1. Adaptogenic Herbs

    • Although very few of these herbs actually exist, they are unique in that they do not treat or cure any ailments. They are used simply to enhance and improve naturally occurring body functions.

      Nutrition Science News states that adaptogenic herbs "demonstrate a nonspecific enhancement of the body's ability to resist a stressor." Thus, these herbs help our bodies to fight off infection, lethargy and more. An example of this herb would be ashwagandha, which is also thought to be one of the most powerful.

    Balancing and Harmonizing Herbs

    • Without harmony, our bodies could not continue living daily life without displaying some form of stress. For this, balancing and harmonizing herbs are thought to help regulate blood pressure and prevent disease.

      One of the most popular harmonizing herbs is jiaogulan, a climbing vine found in China, Japan and parts of southeast Asia. Drugs.com states that jiaogulan is "effective in regulating blood pressure, strengthening the immune system, lowering cholesterol and in increasing stamina and endurance properties."

      Balancing and harmonizing herbs are also used for hormone assistance and are commonly used to help alleviate the symptoms of menopause.

    Herbal Remedies

    • Herbal remedies treat short-term ailments. Unlike their counterparts, which stimulate and assist naturally occurring processes, these herbs are used to treat and alleviate what eastern medicine refers to as an "excess condition," or an overactive bodily function.

      Thought to ease such ailments as allergies, pain, stomach discomfort, colds, skin problems and more, herbal remedies are used to calm the bodily function down and thus, alleviate the uncomfortable effects it is causing.

      For example, someone who suffers from allergies and/or asthma may benefit from breathing in steam infused with eucalyptus, chamomile (to reduce the duration of hay fever attacks) and ephedra (relieves congestion and bronchial spasms).

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