What Are the Benefits of Black Strap Molasses?
Iron Supplement
Blood benefits from black strap's iron content. For vegetarians and vegans who lack a ready source of iron, two teaspoons of black strap molasses contain about 13 percent of the recommended daily allowance of iron. Red meat is another good source of iron, but black strap molasses provides it for fewer calories. For those with increased iron needs--growing children, pregnant, lactating or menstruating women--black strap molasses provides a ready source of iron.
Calcium Source
Strenghtening bones is just one of calcium's functions. Black strap molasses is also rich in calcium, a mineral important to many anatomical functions. In addition to fortifying bones and teeth, it helps to detoxify the colon and plays an important role in muscle contraction. Two teaspoons of black strap provides the body with nearly 12 percent of its daily need for calcium.
Plenty of Potassium
Athletes need to include potassium in their diets. A diet lacking in potassium can be detrimental to both muscle and nerve activity. Athletes have a special need for potassium as it is central to the process of storing carbohydrates for muscles to burn, and it helps to balance the body's pH. Taking just two teaspoons of black strap molasses will cover almost 10 percent your daily potassium needs.
Much Manganese
Black strap takes care of a whopping 18 percent of the body's need for manganese. This is a trace mineral that uses protein and carbohydrates in the production of energy. It also helps to synthesize fatty acids used by the nervous system. The body's sex hormones depend on the cholesterol which manganese aids in producing.