How to Take Testostrone Boosters With Androgel

You should consider your testosterone levels if you are a man past the age of 40, and are starting to feel less energetic than in your youthful days. Consult with an anti-aging physician to see if you have low testosterone levels, which can be determined by two types of blood tests. One test measures total testosterone, and the other test measures free testosterone. Your anti-aging provider can recommend a course of treatment, which may include testosterone boosters and Androgel.

Things You'll Need

  • Anti-aging physician
  • Testosterone test
  • Testosterone boosters
  • Androgel
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  1. Testing for Testosterone

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      Psychological Test

      Take an online test to determine if you have the psychological symptoms of low testosterone. The questions might discuss your sexual libido, the strength of your erection, and your sense of fatigue. If you are experiencing any problems in these areas, the anti-aging physician might recommend testosterone boosters such as Androgel.

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      Score you test. Testosterone is a male hormone that is produced by the testes, and is regulated by the brain. It regulates your sexual health, your muscle mass, bone mass, your mood, and energy levels. If your test score is below 300 ng/dL, and you have one psychological symptom associated with low testosterone, then you have a condition called low testosterone. You might consider Androgel to boost your testosterone levels. Before you begin there are some precautions you should take.

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      Consider the possible dangers of Hormone Replacement Therapy, which include possible prostate enlargement, and prostate cancer. Some men have experienced acne, and skin irritation with Androgel treatment. Some men show increased levels of cholesterol, and increased prostate specific antigen. If you have any of these health problems be careful to consider the advisability of testosterone therapy.

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      Open the packet of Androgel and squeeze it onto your palm. Apply the Androgel to your shoulders and upper arms, including your biceps, or on your abdomen, just below your chest. Androgel is also available as a spray. The spray comes in 5 gram, 7.5 gram and 10 gram therapeutic doses, and should last 30 days. Press down the pump according to the size of your dose, either four, six, or eight times.

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      Consider the active ingredients in Androgel. Androgel contains testosterone, carbomer 980, ethyl alcohol, isopropyl miristate, purified water, and sodium hydroxide. The idea is to use Androgel until your normal levels of testosterone return, and to keep using Androgel to maintain your normal levels. Your symptoms should disappear, and normal health should return to you with proper use.

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