Potential Risks of Protein Supplements
Dehydration is one of the major risks associated with protein supplements. Too much protein supplement intake will produce an excess of amino acid that cannot be assimilated into new proteins but will convert into fat and energy. The conversion process will produce excess urea, which will in turn increase thirst or dehydration. In a sport like cross-country racing, proper hydration is absolutely necessary; otherwise a runner will suffer from extreme dehydration.
Effects on Renal System
Protein supplements have not been proven absolutely effective or safe. There are always some risks associated with them. Many protein supplements may include some additives that may have no benefits at all. At worst, too much protein supplement could be toxic and could cause renal system failure. It can also affect your metabolism by reducing appetite.
Nitrogen Balance
Human protein metabolism is measured by nitrogen balance. A negative nitrogen balance means that the body is not getting enough protein in order to maintain essential bodily functions. This will be counterbalanced by scavenging protein from tissues elsewhere in the body. But protein intake is not helpful in balancing nitrogen; rather, it can injure the urinary system by increasing renal overload.
Risk of Kidney Stone
A University of Texas review on potential risks of protein supplements reported that "high protein diets supplement the risk of kidney stones by decreasing the urinary levels of citrate (which prevents kidney stone formation) and by increasing the uric acid levels (uric acid helps in the formation of kidney stone) in the blood."
Other Risks
High protein supplements do not increase the rate of muscle growth or muscle recovery but can be very harmful, potentially damaging vital organs. These supplements may increase the risk of many major health problems including calcium excretion, osteoporosis and certain types of cancer.