Caffeine Alternative Appetite Suppressant Spray
According to, the common ingredients found in these products are yerba mate, chromium chelate, caralluma fimbriata and hoodia. No side effects have been reported from the use of these ingredients. You can now purchase caffeine-free appetite suppressant sprays in many health food stores and some local drug stores. They are widely available for purchase through online retailers of diet and weight loss products. Look on and to view the different manufacturers.
To use these all-natural appetite suppressant sprays, squirt some under the tongue before meals or snacks to immediately stop food cravings and curb hunger. According to, liquid extracts are pre-extracted and are more absorbable than pills because they do not need to be digested. These oral sprays usually have a mint taste and are designed to help dieters on the go. The handy spray bottles make them convenient to travel with, and allow people to stick to their weight loss plan anytime, anywhere. Recommended use is up to three times per day.
Short term
While these caffeine alternative sprays for appetite suppression may be helpful, they are recommended only for short-term use. According to, long-term use may produce dangerous side effects such as seizures, stroke, and irregular heart beat. Dieters should not depend entirely on these appetite suppressants to achieve a slimmer body. Health professionals still recommend proper diet and exercise to effectively lose weight. Use appetite suppressant sprays in conjunction with a balanced diet and moderate exercise. This combination will provide a safe, effective way to reduce your appetite and lose weight.