Where to Buy Acai Pure Power Cleanse
Acai Power Cleanse is most readily available for online purchase. APPC can be purchased on popular websites such as Amazon, or from more specialized retailers such as acaipowercleanse.com. There is an advisement on the online purchasing of this product. This product is not FDA approved; therefore proceed with great caution when purchasing this item. Look for reputable sources recommending the product, or try to purchase from an official vendor. The only product with acai berry that has been approved by the FDA is the Acai Ultra Burn. This product can also be purchased online.
GNC sells Acai Power Cleanse and other types of acai products. Purchasing this product at a GNC provides a quality guarantee that online purchase is lacking. GNC prides itself on the quality of its products and their safety.
Wal-Mart, Whole Foods, Walgreen's and Trader Joe's
Wal-Mart, Whole Foods, Walgreen's and Trader Joe's sell Acai Power Cleanse. Whole Foods prides itself in the quality of its products, only selling products deemed of the highest quality. Trader Joe's also has high standards for the products they sell. Wal-Mart and Walgreen's, though without the standards of Trader Joe's and Whole Foods, maintain a quality standard, and have convenient locations.