Barley Grass Vs. Wheatgrass
A member of the grain family, barley grass gets harvested for consumption while still young, as it has more nutritional value. Wheatgrass comes from the common wheat plant and gets harvested when young as well, right before it begins the jointing stage.
Barley grass has more than 30 nutrients and contains essential amino acids. A complete protein, wheatgrass has about 90 minerals and 20 amino acids.
High in antioxidants, barley can boost the immune system and energy. Dynamic Greens states that among other benefits, wheatgrass works as a detoxifier and promotes better sleep and sense of well-being. It also relieves anxiety, lessens appetite cravings and strengthens the immune system.
Medical Benefits
According to, due to its antioxidants, barley grass is said to help skin diseases and ulcers, as well as fight cancer. According to the Hippocrates Health Institute, wheatgrass stimulates thyroid, digestion and metabolism, and can fight against tumors and relieve skin ailments. However, states, "Research reveals no clinical data regarding the use of barley grass for cancer-preventive properties."
Other Uses
The grain of barley and wheat gets used as an additive to cereal, for flour and for brewing.