What Are Disadvantages of Not Having Probiotics?
Poor Immune System
Without adequate amounts of friendly bacteria living in your gut, your immune system can suffer. In the review of studies published in the Clinical Microbial Review, researchers found that certain types of probiotics help to enhance and balance the immune system. People and animals given a variety of different strains of probiotics exhibited stronger immune systems. In other studies reviewed in the same article, infants born to mothers who took antibiotics during pregnancy, which can suppress probiotics, are more prone to asthma and allergies.
According to information published by Tufts University, adequate levels of probiotics can help to protect against diarrhea. The use of antibiotics, which can destroy probiotics in the intestines, is associated with higher risk of diarrhea caused by clostridium difficile. Treatment with probiotic supplements to re-establish colonies of friendly bacteria in the intestine effectively cures this type of diarrhea in 84 percent of patients.
Probiotics taken internally or used topically can help to prevent infections after surgery according to the information provide in the Clinical Microbial Review. Patients who are prone to infection are often malnourished and have depleted levels of friendly bacteria, putting them at higher risk of infection from the less friendly bacteria in their system. By supplementing with probiotics, the average rate of infection among high-risk surgical patients decreases significantly.
Other Intestinal Problems
A low level of probiotics in your gut doesn't just contribute to diarrhea. It can also lead to gas, bloating, and general discomfort. According to naturopathic doctor, Nieske Zabriske, taking a probiotic supplement can effectively relieve the symptoms associated with irritable bowels. In the course of four weeks, three out of four patients taking a probiotic supplement experienced a significant improvement in their levels of chronic intestinal discomfort. The friendly bacteria help to decrease the levels of harmful bacteria in the intestine, which in turn helps to improve digestion.
The most readily available probiotic food is yogurt. Just look for active cultures listed on the label. Naturally fermented foods like sauerkraut also contain probiotics. Eating lots of these kinds of foods can help to sustain your levels of friendly bacteria, but for therapeutic affects like treating irritable bowel syndrome, a probiotic supplement is more potent and will work better.