What Are the Benefits of Flaxseed Oil in the Digestive System?
Emotional Stability
Consumption of saturated fats can disturb hormone levels, which can alter emotional states; flaxseed oil helps to restore hormonal balance.
Cholesterol and Heart Disease
Flaxseed oil surrounds ingested cholesterol, thus reducing its absorption and lowering LDL (low-density lipids, or "bad" cholesterol) levels, therefore reducing the risk of heart disease. Flaxseed oil also thins the blood, which also helps to prevent heart disease.
Due to its natural fluidity, flaxseed oil maintains the suppleness of arterial walls, thereby lowering blood pressure and helping to prevent plaque formation, which can lead to stroke.
Cellular Health
Flaxseed oil improves the body's production of prostaglandins, thereby improving cellular division as well as the nutrient intake of the body's cells. This can reduce the sensation of pain and aid in blood clotting.
Flaxseed oil acts as a natural lubricant, aiding in joint mobility for athletes and those with arthritis. It also acts as an anti-inflammatory, lessening the pain of joint diseases.
Flaxseed oil encourages natural elimination of waste, improving and speeding digestion. The fiber in the seeds may improve the health of natural intestinal flora (good bacteria) that battle harmful bacteria to keep the body healthy; due to the high concentration of mucilage, the seeds act as a powerful laxative when consumed with large amounts of water.
Alzheimer's Disease
Flaxseed oil has recently been associated with improved mental cognition, concentration and memory, maintaining a "young," active mind, which may be a key to preventing geriatric senility or Alzheimer's.
Immune System
Flaxseed oil contains high doses of alphalinolenic acid and lignans-active polysaccharides, which may help support the immune system, especially for those whose immune systems are compromised by chronic diseases such as HIV and hepatitis B.
Flaxseed oil may prevent the onset of some cancers, especially when combined with dairy products.