How to Use Eyebright Formula
Always discuss medical options with a doctor before proceeding with medication.
Things You'll Need
- Eyebright vitamins
- Eyebright formula
- Eyebright herb
- Pot
- Water
- Mug
- Strainer
Learn About Eyebright
Eyebright is a plant Eyebright contains tannins, which are substances present in stems, trees, plants and leaves. According to Harold McGee, author of "On Food & Cooking," tannins are defensive compounds that counteract bacteria and fungi by interfering with their surface proteins.
Take eyebright vitamins with food Go to a local vitamin store and purchase a bottle of eyebright vitamins. If preferred, eyebright also is available as a liquid in a dropper. If purchasing vitamins, read the recommended dosage. According to the Vitamin Shoppe (, take two capsules three times each day with a meal.
Drink eyebright in water If liquid eyebright is preferred, purchase the eyebright liquid and use it as a dietary supplement. According to Vita Cost, use the drops two to five times per day. Each time, place 30 to 40 drops in water and drink.
Drink eyebright as tea To prepare eyebright as a tea, take 2,000 mg to 4,000 mg of dried eyebright herb, available at any herbalist, and add it to five oz of boiling water. Allow the herb to soak in the water for 10 minutes. Strain the solid herb particles and drink the tea mixture in a mug. You can do this once per day.