Uses of Liquid Iodine
Main Function
Iodine helps keep us mentally alert. Iodine's main function in the body is to regulate the thyroid gland, which, in addition to many important functions in the body, keeps us in a heightened state of mental health. Iodine helps overcome lethargy and slowness of thinking.
Iodine Produces Key Hormones
Iodine indirectly affects nerve and muscle function. Hormones produced by secretions of the iodine-producing thyroid gland regulate the body's metabolism and increase the assimilation of salts. The iodine-producing hormones also control digestion, body temperature, the nervous system, the reproductive system and heart rate. Iodine aids in neutralizing toxins throughout the body and aids in assimilating calcium and silicon. In turn, thyroid function affects the adrenal glands, nerve and muscle function, cellular oxygen use, reproduction, hair health, skin, bones and the breakdown of proteins and fats.
Iodine Fights Pain and Disease
Iodine aids in detoxification Iodine also protects the body against the toxic effects of radioactive material. It can relieve pain and the soreness associated with fibrocystic breast disease and can break up the mucous that accumulates in breathing tubes. Iodine can intensify the body's normal detoxification process, which includes the removal of heavy metals.
Other Uses
In addition to its many other uses, iodine can be used for the following:
• Bowel gas resulting from the ingestion of beans: Mix six drops of liquid in a glass of water and drink with a meal.
• Stiff neck: Add 20 drops to a glass of water and drink each day.
• Sinusitis: 15 drops in 6 ounces of purified water. Also use as nose drops four times each day.
• Viral infections: Add 20 drops to a glass of water each day. (Aids in reducing T-suppressor cells.)
• Tonsillitis: Gargle with 10 drops in a glass of water three times daily.
• Manic depression: Mix five drops in a glass of water daily (to be used with lithium).
• Premature wrinkling: Mix four drops in a pint of purified water; apply topically three times per week.
• Acne: Add 20 drops to 6 ounces of purified water. Apply topically to the affected area daily for three weeks.
• Reduce cholesterol: Mix 10 drops in a glass of water per day. (Best if used with one to two capsules of L-Tyrosine.)
• Sty: Apply undiluted to affected area using a Q-Tip daily until sty disappears.
• Sebaceous cyst: Apply undiluted to the cyst daily until it disappears.
• Mosquito bites: Mix 20 drops in 6 ounces of purified water and apply topically.
• Supplemental iodine reduces feather loss in balding birds and increases egg hatch-ability.
• Silver iodide (in liquid form) is also used in photography.