How to Raise Wheat Grass Hydroponically with Ocean Water

Fresh cut wheat grass provides a substantial amount of live nutrients. Wheat berries are inexpensive and are most commonly grown indoors in flat trays lined with burlap as a substrate. Soaking softens the berry to encourage germination. Berries are transferred to water-filled flat trays to grow to a height of about 7 to 8 inches. Turn that process up a notch by substituting plain water with mineral-laden ocean water and you'll get a product that contains more minerals than most fresh vegetables. Little time and care is required to produce a high quality nutritional supplement.

Things You'll Need

  • Wheat berries
  • Bowl
  • Greenhouse flat trays with corrugated base
  • Burlap
  • Scissors
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    • 1

      Soak two to three handfuls of dry wheat berries in plain water in a large bowl. Completely cover the berries with water, but some will float and then later sink. Allow berries to soak overnight.

    • 2

      Line a rectangular, corrugated-base flat bed plastic tray with burlap. Cut the burlap to just fit into the bottom of the tray. Soak and then rinse the burlap to remove dust and lint. Rinse both the tray and the burlap thoroughly but no need to dry them. Replace the burlap back into the tray base. Use trays with no holes in the bottom that have 5- to 6-inch rims.

    • 3

      Introduce a shallow layer of ocean water into the tray. The water will fill the depressions in the corrugated base. Add water to just barely cover the burlap.

    • 4

      Spread the soaked berries onto the burlap. Tightly pack the berries onto the tray, as each berry will produce one blade of grass. Set your tray in a well-ventilated, well-lit room.

    • 5

      Inspect the trays daily and check that the water level is adequate. Look for water on the surface of the burlap. Add ocean water to the tray as needed, but don't just pour it on from a large container, use your hands or a ladle to gently add it. If you add too much water too quickly, you may disrupt the growth by shifting berries from their growing positions.

    • 6

      Look for signs of wheat grass shoots sprouting forth. The wheat grass should be quick to grow and should obtain the desired height within about 10 days. Snip grass in clumps when it's ready and immediately run it through your wheat grass press for your drinking pleasure.

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