Metabolism-Burning Pills

Metabolism is the rate your body burns calories to produce energy. There are many pills on the market that claim to increase your metabolism.
  1. Features

    • There are several dietary supplements and over-the-counter pills that claim to increase metabolism. Bitter orange, chromium, country mallow (heartleaf) and green tea extract are examples of dietary supplements which claim to boost the amount of calories burned.


    • Research does not support the claims that bitter orange, chromium, country mallow (heartleaf) and green tea extract increase calories burned. Dietary supplements do not have to be proven effective by clinical trials prior to being marketed and available for consumer use.


    • The manufacturer is expected to follow certain manufacturing practices to ensure that the product meets quality standards. Only after the product is marketed does the Food and Drug Administration monitor its safety. It is important to read the labels on all supplements.


    • Dietary supplements can adversely interact with other supplements and prescription medication. It is important when incorporating diet supplements, such as metabolism-boosting supplements, into a nutritional regime to consult with a health care provider.


    • Supplements, such as metabolism boosters, may not contain the amount of the ingredient listed on the label. When analyzed, supplements have been found to contain pesticides or other ingredients not listed which could be hazardous. Researchers are still studying supplements to determine the effects on the body.

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