Super Slim Pomegranate Side Effects
Elevated Heart Rate
Increased heart rate may be a result of the presence of Sibutramine, which can cause heart palpitations, seizures and high blood pressure. These risks are leading factors for heart attacks and strokes.
Trouble Sleeping
One of the common side effects of Super Slim Pomegranate is an inability to sleep. Since the pill's main function is to suppress appetite, not eating enough nutrients combined with a lack of sleep is hazardous to mental and physical health.
Dry Mouth
One of the ingredients of Super Slim is Meridia, a drug used to treat seizures that is not available without a prescription. Dry mouth is a side effect of Meridia, as are depression; anxiety; suicidal thoughts; pain of the abdomen, back and joints; constipation; insomnia; flu-like symptoms; rash; menstrual pain; sinus inflammation; lack of strength; and indigestion.
Other Warnings
Super Slim Pomegranate also contains Phenolphthalein, Rimonabant and Pheytoin. The Food and Drug Administration lists Phenolphthalein as a possible carcinogen. Rimonbant is not FDA-approved and has been linked to some deaths overseas. Pheytoin is a medication used by patients who get seizures; it should not be used without a prescription.
FDA Recall
The FDA recalled Super Sim Pomegranate in December 2008 because of the company's disregard for public health. It warned that manufacturer was not being truthful about its ingredients.