Super Slim Pomegranate Side Effects

"Super Slim Pomegranate" is a self-proclaimed fast remedy to unwanted fat. It is a weight loss pill that competes with diet pills such as Ali and Hydroxycut, and it can have various side effects.
  1. Elevated Heart Rate

    • Increased heart rate may be a result of the presence of Sibutramine, which can cause heart palpitations, seizures and high blood pressure. These risks are leading factors for heart attacks and strokes.

    Trouble Sleeping

    • One of the common side effects of Super Slim Pomegranate is an inability to sleep. Since the pill's main function is to suppress appetite, not eating enough nutrients combined with a lack of sleep is hazardous to mental and physical health.

    Dry Mouth

    • One of the ingredients of Super Slim is Meridia, a drug used to treat seizures that is not available without a prescription. Dry mouth is a side effect of Meridia, as are depression; anxiety; suicidal thoughts; pain of the abdomen, back and joints; constipation; insomnia; flu-like symptoms; rash; menstrual pain; sinus inflammation; lack of strength; and indigestion.

    Other Warnings

    • Super Slim Pomegranate also contains Phenolphthalein, Rimonabant and Pheytoin. The Food and Drug Administration lists Phenolphthalein as a possible carcinogen. Rimonbant is not FDA-approved and has been linked to some deaths overseas. Pheytoin is a medication used by patients who get seizures; it should not be used without a prescription.

    FDA Recall

    • The FDA recalled Super Sim Pomegranate in December 2008 because of the company's disregard for public health. It warned that manufacturer was not being truthful about its ingredients.

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