Health Benefits of Wheat Grass Juice
Wheat grass juice contains up to 70 percent chlorophyll. Benefits of chlorophyll in wheat grass juice, according to the Nutritional Supplements Health Guide, include reducing high blood pressure and building blood and tissues. The regenerative power is said to help reduce the risks of anemia. Another benefit to the chlorophyll found in wheat grass juice is its ability to cut bodily odors such as bad breath, perspiration and menstrual odors. Help with skin diseases, sinuses and common colds are benefits that have been attributed to the chlorophyll contained in wheat grass juice.
Eliminating Nausea
A health benefit that drinkers of wheat grass juice claim is the drink's ability to help cleanse the body. The juice helps drain the lymph nodes, which helps to eliminate toxins from the body, and it has been reported to help break up mucus in the body. Both of these benefits help to get rid of toxins and excess mucus that can cause symptoms of nausea. Weston Price, founder of the Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation, has shown in his research that wheat grass juice can help regenerate cells.
More Energy
According to nutritionist Diana Buell, wheat grass juice has been reported to help with weight loss. The juice is reported to give energy that helps to burn up fat. Because it is purported to be extremely fast absorbing, the energy is good for athletes and those who want to control cravings and weight gain. Wheat grass juice is also said to help aid in stopping the growth of bad bacteria by creating an environment in the body that does not support bacteria. Also, the beta-carotene levels in wheat grass juice have been attributed to combating the risks of cancer.