Fish Oil Vs. Aspirin

Fish oil and aspirin are potent allies in the fight against heart disease. Both fish oil and aspirin function as anti-inflammatories, which may prevent the formation of blood clots. Read below for more information about fish oil and aspirin.
  1. Features

    • Fish oil is obtained from fatty fish like salmon, tuna and herring. Aspirin, also known as acetylsalicylic acid, is a pharmaceutical.


    • Aspirin reduces pain, prevents the recurrence of heart attacks and may save your life in the case of a heart attacks, says the American Heart Association (AHA). The AHA notes that fish oil helps heart health by reducing the risk of arrhythmias and lower triglyceride levels.

    Side Effects

    • Fish oil induces side effects like gas, bloating, belching and bad breath. Aspirin, on the other hand, may cause stomach pains, nausea and gastrointestinal bleeding.


    • Aspirin should be avoided by people who have bleeding problems and stomach bleeding disorders. Likewise, fish oil should be limited in people who have a bleeding disorder.


    • Talk with your physician about the benefits and risks of taking fish oil and aspirin as supplements. Aspirin and fish oil may increase bleeding if taken together.

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