Xenadrine Efx Vs. Rfa-1
Xenadrine Efx Ingredients
Every serving of Xenadrine Efx features a combination of ingredients, which include: 100 mg of vitamin C, 10 mg or Vitamin B6 as well as 12 mg of pantothenic acid and 10 mg of magnesium. The Proprietary Thermodyne Complex is comprised of 1,415 mg of compounds that promote weight loss and energy. This formula includes ECGC (green tea extract), phenylethylamine (PEA), yerba mate, bitter orange, grape seed extract as well as several other minor ingredients.
Xenadrine Rfa-1 Ingredients
The formulation within Xenadrine Rfa-1 includes citrus aurantium (125 mg), guarana extract (910 mg), l-tyrosine (80 mg), acetyl l-carnitine (100 mg), ginger root (50 mg) vitamin B5 (40 mg) as well as MaHuang (335 mg). While these ingredients are aimed to help increase energy levels and sustain a fat burning environment within your body, the last ingredient MaHuang, also known as ephedrine, is illegal, and thus Xenadrine Rfa-1 is no longer available. Ephedrine has been blacklisted due to its ability to increase heart rate and blood pressure as well as causing strokes, memory loss, nerve damage and in extreme cases death, according to the Health Services at University of Massachusetts Lowell. In 2003 the Food and Drug Administration banned the sale of all products containing MaHuang (ephedrine) due to its high risk potential.
Advertising for Xenadrine products consist of marketing ploys that exalt the fat burning potential of Xenadrine Efx and Rfa-1, when it was legally sold. Vanderbilt University states that the clinical trials often included within Xenadrine advertising are sponsored by Cytodyne, which is the company that manufacturers these products. One review site claimed that Xenadrine Rfa-1 caused research patients to lose over 500% more fat and 700% more weight than those who were given placebo pills; however, this claim does not include the harmful side effects and warnings associated with using a product that contains ephedrine.
Side Effects
Side effects within these products are similar to other diet pills that contain a high level of stimulants. Non-ephedrine products, such as Xenadrine Efx, were cited by Vanderbilt University as having mild side effects that include dry mouth, increased heart rate and an elevation within blood pressure; however, these side effects were mild and not long lasting. Xenadrine Rfa-1 features much more serious side effects, which include heart palpitations, vomiting, hyperactivity, nausea and psychiatric episodes, according to Vanderbilt University.
While Xenadrine Efx and Rfa-1 show promise to help you lose unwanted fat cells, their effectiveness is not always worth the consequences. In the case of Xenadrine Rfa-1, the main active compound has been made illegal due to a high risk of physical side effects, which includes death. Moreover, consumption of any diet pill should be discussed with your doctor to ensure safety.