Mila Supplement Side Effects

LifeMax Mila, the chia seed supplement, has been making the rounds as the newest nutritional trend. Chia seeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and are good sources of antioxidants and amino acids. But as with other dietary supplements, there are certain side effects of which you need to be aware. Take note that most side effects are caused by traits in specific people and in specific conditions; as such, they are not universal.
  1. Low Blood Pressure

    • While this is good news for older adults and for those who have high blood pressure, chia seeds have been known to lower blood pressure, according to a study by the University of Toronto. This means that it may be highly dangerous for people who have a history of low blood pressure to take it as a daily supplement. Extremely low blood pressure can result in oxygen deprivation, which obviously has dire effects on the brain and other organs of the body.

    Gas and Intestinal Bloating

    • Chia, with the scientific name of Salvia hispanica, is plant native to Southern America. Chia was so highly valued by the Aztecs that the ancient civilization gave it as a tribute to its rulers. There are stories of Aztec warriors going into battle and surviving by taking only 1 tablespoon of chia seeds. This seems to be partly true because of the fiber content of its seeds. As we all know, fiber is good for the body, and therefore it makes sense to increase our daily fiber intake. But while a high fiber diet is good, people who increase their fiber intake significantly (as by taking LifeMax Mila) may experience gas and intestinal bloating. This can easily be addressed by cutting back on fiber and increasing the portion gradually.

    Thinning Blood

    • Though chia seeds can be taken with almost any kind of diet, consumers have to be mindful of taking too much of the supplement. For example, due to its high omega-3 content, chia seeds are known to thin the blood. While a benefit for some people – especially those with hypertension – people who are already taking blood thinners, are going to have surgery or who take aspirin regularly should consult a doctor before taking LifeMax Mila. Chia seed overdose, no matter what the benefits, is not recommended.

    Food Allergies

    • Though chia seeds can be taken by those who have peanut allergies, specific food allergies in the seeds can trigger negative and even debilitating effects in people. It’s rare, but it happens; if you find that you’re allergic to chia seeds, stop taking LifeMax Mila at once.

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