Grapefruit Powder Benefits
Gastrointestinal Health
Grapefruit pectin is a kind of fiber that expands when mixed with water, forming a viscous gel. Because the human digestive system needs a good amount of fiber to keep it functioning well, grapefruit pectin's physical properties lend themselves well to maintaining a digestive system free of conditions from constipation to diverticulitis.
Healthy Weight Management
Aside from its ability to clear out one's digestive tract, the fiber of grapefruit pectin powder also assists with those looking to lower or maintain their weight. As with other dietary fibers, grapefruit pectin powder gives dieters that full feeling, which can lead to less calories consumed overall. In addition, grapefruit pectin powder helps to inhibit the absorption of some calories from foods eaten, leading to less weight gain.
Lower Blood Sugar
Again, as an effect of pectin as a dietary fiber, grapefruit pectin powder is reputed to assist with high blood sugar levels. As it slows down the rate at which carbohydrates are absorbed, it also inhibits the presence of sugar in the blood, a benefit to those who suffer from or are at risk for diabetes.
Lower Cholesterol
Another benefit of grapefruit pectin powder is its cholesterol-lowering ability. According to a 1988 study at the University of Florida College of Medecine, grapefruit pectin powder in the diet had the effect of lowering cholesterol levels for 27 human volunteers with high cholesterol and triglyceride levels in a 16-week double-blind test. According to the study, no other changes were made to the lifestyle of the participants outside of the addition of the grapefruit pectin powder to the diet. By lowering cholesterol, other cardiovascular ailments can also be prevented, like strokes and heart attacks.
Cancer Protection
Grapefruit pectin is also said to have the ability to inhibit the growth an metastasis of certain cancers, particularly those of the gastrointestinal tract. According to a 2008 article from science research website Science Daily, "A fragment released from pectin, found in all fruits and vegetables, binds to and is believed to inhibit galectin 3 (Gal3), a protein that plays a role in all stages of cancer progression."
Better Immunity
Another benefit that is reported to come from grapefruit pectin powder in the diet is prevention against infections caused by microbes like fungi, bacteria and parasites, as well as viruses.