Is There a Difference in Vitamin C Vs. Citric Acid?
Citric acid and vitamin C are not produced naturally by the body, yet they are both found naturally and are both food additives. Those are what these two acids have in common, but that's where the similarities end.-
Citric Acid
The tart and sourness you find in lemons is due to citric acid and it is often added to food and drinks for flavor. Citric acid is a natural preservative and antioxidant, and can be used as an environmentally friendly cleaning agent.
Vitamin C
Also known as ascorbic acid, vitamin C is a necessary antioxidant. This organic acid is essential in forming collagen and important for maintaining and repairing bones, teeth, and cartilage as well as for healing wounds.
Ascorbic acid, is the only one of the two acids that is an essential part of a daily diet. Eating a balanced diet with a good variety of fruits and vegetables is the best way to get your daily dose of vitamin C.
Body Production
The body will only retain the amount of vitamin C it needs, secreting remaining amounts through urine.
Chemical Comparison
Ascorbic acid's chemical make-up is C6H8O6, and citric acid's make-up is C6H8O7 which means citric and ascorbic acid have a chemical difference of only one oxygen atom.