A Fact File About Krill

Krill, which resemble small shrimp, are about 2 inches long and have an average lifespan of five years, according to National Geographic. They are members of the invertebrate family.
  1. Significance

    • In the Antarctic, krill play a vital role as a food source for birds and other marine creatures like fish and whales.


    • According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 85 different species of krill live in oceans around the globe.


    • These crustaceans eat phytoplankton and subsist on an herbivore diet.


    • Krill congregate in swarms during the spring, summer and fall to feed and reproduce. They can decrease in size after molting if food sources decline, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

    Health Benefits

    • Krill oil provides Omega-3 oils that contribute to cardiovascular health when taken as a nutritional supplement, according to Northwestern Health Sciences University.

    Fun Fact

    • According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, krill have the ability to instantly shed their exoskeletons to confuse and escape predators.

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