Harmful Guarana Seed Extract
Guarana is promoted as weight-loss aid, energy booster and memory enhancer.
Caffeine Content
Guarana seed contains about twice the caffeine found in coffee beans.
The Food and Drug Administration classifies guarana as "generally recognized as safe" for its use in food. The FDA has not evaluated guarana for safety, effectiveness or purity.
Guarana and Ephedra
The combination of guarana (or other stimulants) with ephedra can lead to dangerous conditions such as high blood pressure and irregular heartbeat. The FDA banned products containing ephedra after receiving reports of illness and death related to dietary supplements containing ephedra (ma huang), some of which also contained guarana.
Guarana Side Effects
The caffeine in guarana can curb appetite and make you more alert. Too much caffeine can lead to a fast heart rate, palpitations, excessive urination, nausea, anxiety, tremors and trouble sleeping. Caffeine can also interact with some drugs.
Avoid guarana if you are pregnant or nursing, or have heart problems, high blood pressure, kidney disease, anxiety disorder, an overactive thyroid, caffeine sensitivity or other conditions that could be aggravated by caffeine.