Therapeutic Effects of Coral Calcium
Changing pH Levels
When the pH level of the body is changed from acidic to alkaline, the oxygen in the cells is said to increase. This may strengthen the immune system and help one become more resistant to disease, slow down the aging process and help to remove toxins.
Strengthens Bones
When alive, the coral digests seawater and when fossilized contains calcium and 73 other minerals that the human body needs to keep the heart beating, for cells to divide and for DNA replication. Since most people don’t get nearly enough calcium or minerals from their food, the body must steal it from the bones, which ultimately leads to osteoporosis.
Free Radical Protection
Coral calcium also contains antioxidants that can protect the body from the damaging effects of free radicals. The website, Coral Calcium Guru, states, “Free radicals are unstable molecules created by lifestyle and even naturally, by the normal biological process of the body. The proliferation of free radicals has been linked to over 80 health conditions. (By inhaling just once from a cigarette causes 375,000 free radicals.)” Since antioxidants help to neutralize these free radicals, coral calcium could help prevent many health conditions.
Coral calcium is found naturally in the soils of Japan and ends up in drinking water. When the Japanese drink the water and use it in cooking, they’re absorbing the coral calcium and all of the trace minerals with it. Aside from their drinking water, many Japanese have lifestyles similar to people in the United States. Yet, according to the chart on Coral Calcium Guru, the average number of people at or over the age of 100 per 100,000 people in Okinawa is 28, while in the U.S. there are only three.
Assists Healing
Without enough calcium, the body’s ability to heal from wounds and injuries is greatly slowed. Cuts, bruises, broken bones and other injuries may take much longer to heal in individuals with calcium deficiencies.
PMS Relief
Coral calcium may help combat symptoms of PMS, particularly depression, sleep problems and irritability. For some women, it may work as an effective alternative to prescription antidepressants and doesn’t have the side effects.
Other Diseases
Although more studies need to be conducted, fossilized coral calcium may help prevent up to 200 diseases that are linked to a deficiency of calcium.